To My Husband on Father’s Day, 2018

This poem is a simple one dedicated to my dear husband.  It is written in iambic pentameter: x/x/x/x/x/, with only a single rhyme throughout: AAAA.


Father’s Day, 2018

I may have borne them each, but it was you,

Whose shoulders carried weight I never knew,

You set the bar so high, so straight, so true,

The surest, strongest Dad?  Well, that was you.


I may have dried their tears, but it was you,

Who made them get back up and push on through,

Who taught them well, the skill of making do,

That common sense they have, they got from you.


I may have spoken more, but it was you,

Who guided them in wisdom as they grew,

Who showed them lifelong paths they could pursue,

Whichever route they take, they’ll follow you.


I may have never made it clear to you,

How priceless you are, from my point of view.

Their father, but my treasured husband too . . .

I never knew such love, ‘til I knew you.

18 thoughts on “To My Husband on Father’s Day, 2018

  1. Your love for your husband shines through all of your poetry about him. The depth and strength of your love is an inspiration for all of us to see. Thank you for this, your poetry.


  2. Bless the Lord! What a fitting tribute! To Jesse, the seven, and the Father from whom the family in heaven and earth takes its name (Eph. 3:14).


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